On 2021…

Well. We made it here. Looking back at this time last year, I was full of hope as I usually am at the start of a new year, and this year just feels….different.

We all know that the transition from 11:59 PM in one year to 12:00 AM in the next doesn’t actually feel any different, but it does present a metaphorical clean slate. This felt incredibly welcome after the hellfire that was 2020, but this time around I’m approaching it differently.

While there is so much to look forward to in a post-vaccine world, we don’t know how long it will be until we’re there. I have a lot of thoughts and ideas on what I’ll want to do then, but it’s important to take advantage of the time we have before then too.

As an introvert, working from home and minimizing social interactions was easy for me. I focused on my running goals, made lots of delicious dinners, and my house had never been cleaner. The planner within me had a hard time letting go of not having a sense of the future, but I’ve grown used to taking everything one day at a time.

So for the next 30 days, here’s what I’ll be focusing on:

  1. Continuing my running goals
    I managed to get faster and more consistent through my first round of quarantine, and this time around I want to be faster and stronger. And maybe get better at waking up early for my runs…
  2. Trying daily meditation
    I’ve done this on and off in the past and each time I think, “wow I should really do this more often!” So for the next 30 days, the goal is daily, 5-minute meditation. More to come here.
  3. Taking opportunities to learn
    Time to get back to learning Italian through Duolingo and take advantage of my new Masterclass subscription. I spend enough time on screens googling random information, and now I want to be more intentional about it.
  4. Pushing my cooking skills
    I tried so many new recipes in 2020 and learned how to combine different flavors and textures. Once a week I’m going to start trying my own ideas for recipes to stretch myself out of my cookbook comfort zone.
  5. Spending screen-free time with loved ones
    I’m the absolute worst at having my phone on me at all times. A big focus this month is to put my phone down when spending quality time with my husband and pets (and eventually friends and family once I can see them in person again!)

For now, all that’s in my control is how I make the most of January, and so that’s where my focus will be. Here’s to a good 31 days that bring more hope, more certainty, and more precedented times!

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